Wednesday, July 22, 2009

1st Birthday Party!!!!!!!!!!

Unbelievably, Meera and Emma are going to turn 1 year old on August 10th. We are throwing a party on August 8th from Noon until 5pm (they will nap from 2:30 to 4pm) to celebrate the best 363 days of our lives. Actually, the first four months were absolutely brutal, but what would a first birthday be without a little revisionist history? If you can make it we would love to have anyone and everyone who is able, to come and celebrate with us. Also, if you are able, please bring something to share. We will have the grill going with meat and vegetarian options, and will have a few (mostly adult) beverages.
We love you all so much, and could not have done all of this without you; team MEENS has the most supportive community anyone could wish for.
Check out the invite/video below. It is a montage of many, but not all, of the people who have made such a difference to our family this year. Love to you all,

(you can also watch a bigger version of the video on youtube:

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