Friday, September 26, 2008


Hello again,
Here are a few more photos from the last few days. We weighed the girls again yesterday and Meera is now 8 lbs 2 oz and Em is 8 lbs 5 oz. They keep growing like champions! We are trying to slowly wean them off of supplementation, so we will see how that goes...

I guess that is one way to suck your thumb!

Meera with Sam

Sister love.

We have started reading to them a bit more. It feels like it is more for us than them, but we have noticed a 30 second expansion in their attension span


The familiar church lady face

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Hello again, here are some recent photos. The weather has cooled, so the girls are sporting their fall attire. Erick has been making blackberry pies to thank our OB providers and for us to enjoy as well. Grandpa John left, leaving Sadie alone and depressed. Here I am carrying the girls in the "Maxi- Mom" which works almost as well as the Moby wrap. It is always nice to have several carrying options when you are juggling both girls alone. Check out Meera's preferred sleeping position below.
Hope you are all well,
Nat, Erick, Meera, Emma & Sade.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Hi gang,
We weighed the girls again today just to do a spot check and Meera is catching up to her sister (not uncommon for the smaller twin) at 7 lbs 14.1 oz and Emma is 7 lbs 14.5 oz! They both are doing well, though Emma has been struggling with significant reflux. We are going to try to feed more often and burp her laying face down at a 30 degree angle. We just tried it and she didn't puke up nearly as much.
We also survived another outing yesterday to Kate & Shelby's to see their new baby, Judah. Check out how big he is compared to the girls (he is pushing 9 lbs).

Grandpa John with Meera

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meera & Emma's first outing

Erick, John and I took Meera and Emma on their first social outing. We went to Sarah & Nat's house for one of their great weekly potlucks (we brought a fresh fig, goat cheese, chicken salad). We all managed to squeeze into the Mazda, I climbed over the car seats and sat in between the girls for the ride. Of course we needed to do a feeding session almost as soon as we got there, but we brought the big breastfeeding pillow, so it went just fine. It makes a huge different to be around people who support you and understand what it is like to have a little one.
The girls were pretty good all night, though Emma had a fussy period. I am not sure whether she was overstimulated or just being fussy. I walked her around the block and that quieted her down for a while. But really it was Erick who was eventually able to calm her down.
It was great to see everyone and we all had fun. We came home, did another feeding session and went to bed. Not surprisingly they had a good night of sleep. Maybe we should try this more often!
Hope you all are well,
Nat, E, Meera & Emma

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hi gang,
We weighed the girls last night. Meera is now 7 lbs 8 oz, and Emma is 7 lbs 12 oz. They are still gaining just a bit more than would be expected- such bright girls! Granpa John has been super helpful and has become very adept with the Moby wrap! We are sending you our love.
N, E, M, E, & S

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Baby Legend: Pictures of Emma

To help alleviate confusion: pictures of Emma

Baby Legend: pictures of Meera

For those of you who have not yet met the girls and are having a hard time differentiating the two, here is a series of photos of Meera

Saturday, September 13, 2008

shots up to 9.13.08

Hi family and friends,

The girls are doing great, changing and growing everyday. Last Monday Meera weighed 7.0 lbs and Emma weighed 7.6 lbs. We will check her weight again on Monday. They are feeding better, though we are still supplementing a bit with other mama's breastmilk. Grandpa John is here, which is a tremendous help to us all. Here he is with Meera.
Sending you love,
Nat, Erick, Meera, Emma & Sadie