Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meera & Emma's first outing

Erick, John and I took Meera and Emma on their first social outing. We went to Sarah & Nat's house for one of their great weekly potlucks (we brought a fresh fig, goat cheese, chicken salad). We all managed to squeeze into the Mazda, I climbed over the car seats and sat in between the girls for the ride. Of course we needed to do a feeding session almost as soon as we got there, but we brought the big breastfeeding pillow, so it went just fine. It makes a huge different to be around people who support you and understand what it is like to have a little one.
The girls were pretty good all night, though Emma had a fussy period. I am not sure whether she was overstimulated or just being fussy. I walked her around the block and that quieted her down for a while. But really it was Erick who was eventually able to calm her down.
It was great to see everyone and we all had fun. We came home, did another feeding session and went to bed. Not surprisingly they had a good night of sleep. Maybe we should try this more often!
Hope you all are well,
Nat, E, Meera & Emma

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