Monday, October 27, 2008

Emma smiling

hello again,
we don't have any good photos of Em smiling, so here are a few my dad took with his PDA. Our babies have the best smiles! And here I am reading to Meera; she was super interested. I read her the entire basket of books and she looked at each page while I read. It was amazing.
love to all,

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hello! We have been without a camera for over a week and nearly got excommunicated from the family for it. Here is a quick post of some photos from the last few weeks. Grandpop John has been here helping us while Erick started his Anesthesiology rotation. He has been amazing - helping me with babies at 5 am when Erick leaves, meticulously cleaning our house, fixing things, etc. etc. He leaves early Tues am and we will miss him terribly. We will have a few days without family, so I have asked some friends to stop by and help me while Erick is away.
We went to Sarah, Nat, & Lily's potluck last week to say goodbye to our dear friends Laura and Steve who are moving to Chicago (yes, we are jealous!). We later made it out to Jacqui and Tony's wedding celebration. The girls got dolled up in dresses from Grandma Sue, but unfortunately we didn't have our camera to document it.
The girls are doing really well. They have changed so much. We get smiles all of the time now and spend most of our time trying to elicit them. They are growing well, at their last weigh-in Meera was 9 lbs 12.2 oz and Em was 9 lbs 13.6 oz. We are completely off supplementation now, except for a few replacement bottles when Em throws up a ton from her reflux. It feels great to be able to provide them everything they need to grow.
The other major change is that they are starting to sleep by themselves. Previously they only would sleep on our chests or in our arms. But recently they have taken naps, on their own, on our couch or bed. Yeay! We are hoping we can continue this trend to get them a little more independent.
Hope you all are well. We are looking forward to Grandma Sue and Grandpa Kris' arrival on Thursday and my Aunt Dolores and the girls' aunt Heather after that. In November we travel to San Francisco for a few of Erick's residency interviews, then to Tucson for Thanksgiving, then to the Midwest for interviews/holidays. It is going to be a nutty time! We are hoping the travels with the girls go smoothly.
With love,
Nat, Erick, Meera, Emma & Sade

For some reason I can't write next to most of the photos below. Can you tell where Meera is in the group photo? (She is breastfeeding) The bundle of blankets on the couch is Meera sleeping by herself. And the last photo is just a reality check to make sure you all knew they aren't cute and happy all of the time. Well, I take that back, they are cute all of the time.

Grandpop with Meera

A big smile for papa!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hello all!
Erick and I (barely) survived our two weeks without help. We were certainly grateful to have Amy (Lam) and Liz come this last weekend.
Things have been going well with the girls. we are still working on weaning them off supplementation. Meera is doing a better job than Emma as she doesn't spit up as much. We just weighed them and Meera is 8 lbs 13.8 oz and Emma is 8 lbs 15 oz!
We have had some fun times these last few weeks. My co-workers from the County stopped by to meet the girls and bring us Indian for dinner. Then we went to the Oregon coast and had fun hanging out on the beach. The girls didn't sleep well while we were there but it was good to get out of town.
Peter Strom was in Portland this last weekend for a Lindyhop dance workshop and he stopped by before we went to pick Lam up from the airport. Then Lizzy drove down from Seattle and the two girls helped us out a TON over the weekend. Lam just left today (Tuesday).
The County folks hanging out

Heather Brislen stopped by for a walk with the girls

We are getting more eye interaction and almost daily smiles!

Meera still likes to sleep with her back arched.

Check out the neck strength! And Em now has eyelashes almost as long as Meera's!

Erick and Greg near Ona Beach State Park

Nat, Laura and the girls

Enough said

Lam with Emma

Peter helping Nat set up a gmail account. Thanks Pete!

Papa with Meera

Lam with Meera

Erick with his spiffy new papa-swiss army knife. He is now officially a dad!

Aunty Lizzy got the girls warm 3-6 mo clothes

Lizzy with Meera