Sunday, April 3, 2011

March 2011

Hello all, a lot of big developments have occurred these last few months. Meera & Emma are potty trained (except for nap and bedtime). And they both graduated from their cribs and got "big girl beds," which they love. They are each growing beautifully and amaze us daily with their new skills and developing personalities. Meera is doing well with her walking (though she still needs support) and is getting more and more independent. She insists on doing everything herself, she has gotten quite good at dressing and undressing herself. She has also become very flirtatious and always seems to charm her way into everyone's hearts. Emma is very verbal and likes to sing songs and read books to us. She has recently mastered her tricycle, of which she is very proud (as she should be). They both love to help us cook (see pic below of their weekly routine of helping Papa make pancakes on Saturday morning) and go grocery shopping. What can we say, they take after their parents in their love for food. Scroll down to see a video of them eating raw onions. I recently posted three new posts w photos.
We had a lot of visitors this last month - Nat's mom, Erick's mom, Heather and Dolores - to help Nat while Erick was out of town for 1 mo while doing a path rotation at UCSF. We had a lot of fun adventures and the girls tolerated his absence relatively well (it helped that he came home on the weekends).
We hope you are all well and love you dearly. 
Nat, Erick, Meera, Emma & Sadie

Saturday, April 2, 2011