Thursday, March 12, 2009

7 months!

Greetings friends and family!
Well, a lot has happened since the last post. Erick finished his pediatric ICU rotation (gracias a dios), we said goodbye to Grandpa John after a wonderful 6 week stay, Matthew visited from San Fran, we decided to stay in Portland for Erick's residency, my master's research was accepted for presentation at the national midwifery conference, and we all went to Chicago so Erick could take his step 2 clinical exam and to see friends. We are headed off to Kauai tomorrow for a much anticipated family vacation. Emily is flying from Maui to meet us for the first few days.
Here are some photos from the last month and a video of Meera in the johnny jump up from Grandpa John (how appropriate) and of Erick and Meera. This photo was taken after John and I fed the girls prunes (no it is not chocolate) for the first time. They were a hit, now we just need to work on our aim! We will send more photos when we return. Sending you all love,

Since the titles to the photos never seem to line up, I will just describe a few here. Below are photos of Grandpa John and the girls; Erick, Matthew, & Meera; Em falling asleep with her hand extended up; Ethan Eno (Suzanne's second) and Emma; Aidan, Julianna (Suzanne's third and fourth) with Meera; Julianna, Georgia, Ethan & Aidan playing at Sandy and Betsy's (in Chicago); Suzanne with the girls; Meera, Georgia, Augusta (Sara & Cheryl's new baby, yes she is almost as big as the girls! and she is only 3 months!), & Emma; and finally dear Sandy and the girls (she woke up at 5:30 am to see us off. Now that's love.

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