Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5th

Happy Holidays!
Our trips to the Bay Area for Erick's interviews and to Tucson for Thanksgiving went great. The girls handled the plane well; the engine noise was just the white noise they needed to konk out. The car rides were another story. Let's just say the drive from Phoenix to Tucson was not peaceful. We are headed to Minneapolis tomorrow. Sue, E's mom, the girls, and I are flying in the early am. Erick is driving with his Dad and Sadie. We are excited to see family and friends and for Erick to do more interviews.
The girls had their 4 month check up this week and they both are gaining good weight. Em is 11 lbs 5 oz and Meera is 11 lbs 10 oz. Em has stayed on her curve of 15 percentile (gestational age adjusted) and Meera jumped up to 25th percentile. We were relieved to see that Em is gaining well despite her spitting up. They are starting to talk (well, coo) with us a ton and we have even gotten a few belly laughs.
We are sending you all warm holiday wishes. May this season bring you happiness, joy and peace.
love to you all,
Nat, Erick, Meera, Emma, and Sadie
P.S. Sorry the photos are all scrambled again!
Heather Brislen double fisting it

Nat and Emma on their first flight

Cousin Satya in BerkeleyEmma
Satya checking out the girls on the floor mat

Erick and ??? in Golden Gate Park
Nat reading to the girls outside in Zona

Laura and Greg drove down from Scottsdale to see us. Here we are at a park.

Nat and Meera

The girls are starting to notice each other and are even smiling and talking with one another!

Laura and the girls

Laura and Meera
Erick and MeeraBrother Matthew drove down from Flagstaff to spend Thanksgiving with us.


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